Let Us Handle Your Reconsideration Request

Reconsideration request service

We will write a professional and compelling Google Reconsideration Request to get your website’s manual penalty removed. A reconsideration request is the last step in removing a manual action. This involves submitting the site to Google for review with the reconsideration letter. Requests are reviewed manually by a member of Google’s webspam team so we will ensure all your cleanup/recovery work is clearly documented and explained. Our letter will include the following information and more:

  1. Overview of what caused the penalty (if analysis has been done).
  2. What has been done to clean up the link profile.
  3. Extensive documentation to prove this work.

Therefore, to improve chances of the request passing, please be sure the site has already received a comprehensive penalty analysis and disavow, usually followed by a link removal outreach campaign. You do not need to use our analysis and removal services for us to write your reconsideration request although we would be happy to provide them for you as well.

If this recommended prerequisite work has not been done, we will consult you on the chances of passing a reconsideration request as is, if you still wish to try. Clear negative SEO, for example, will not always need link removal work though it will need a comprehensive analysis and disavow. But when it looks like more cleanup work is required, we will advise you on this and if needed, can delay writing the reconsideration until this additional cleanup is finished.

Reconsideration Service Flat Price: $35

*After payment you will be asked to fill out a form detailing the penalty and recovery work done to bring the site back into Google’s webmaster guidelines.

About Our Reconsideration Service

‣  This reconsideration request is specific to your site and the details are based on information you give us. After paying for the service, you will be taken to an order form where we recommend you fill out as much details as possible to allow us to write you a specific and unique reconsideration letter.

‣  This is for creating the reconsideration only. If you have not done any prerequisite work to clean up the link profile we first recommend our analysis and disavow, and then manual link removal services.

‣  Reconsideration Requests are only needed for manual Google penalties. Most penalties are algorithm penalties. To check if your penalty is manual, sign into your webmaster tools and visit this page:  https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/reconsideration?pli=1

You can learn more about checking your penalty here.

No manual webspam actions found” means the site has no manual penalty. It may have an algorithm penalty though.

‣  We will do our best to ensure the penalty is lifted but of course the final call is up to Google. Therefore, we can make no guarantees about it passing. Only Google could make such a guarantee. Many penalties do require multiple reconsideration requests and link removal outreach campaigns.